Anselmo Pujol Register Page

Register page of Sailors' Snug Harbor resident Anselmo Pujol from the Register of Inmates C. Inmate number 2885. Register is a large handwritten volume.
Type Of Resource
The collection is on permanent loan at the Stephen B. Luce Library of SUNY Maritime College. The. Sailors' Snug Harbor records are the Property of the Trustees of the Sailors’ Snug Harbor.;The Sailors' Snug Harbor records are the Property of the Trustees of the Sailors’ Snug Harbor. The collection is on permanent loan at the Stephen B. Luce Library of SUNY Maritime College.
Origin Info
Date Created: October 18 1895
Place: New York (State)--New York--Staten Island
publisher: The Trustees of Sailors' Snug Harbor
Physical Description
Digital Origin: Reformatted digital
; Digital Origin: Reformatted digital